Title The unsatisfiability threshold revisited
Authors Alexis Kaporis, Dept. Computer Engineering and Informatics - University of Patras (Greece)
Lefteris Kirousis, Dept. Computer Engineering and Informatics - University of Patras (Greece)
Yannis Stamatiou, Dept. Computer Eng. and Informatics - University of Patras / Computer Technology Institute - Patras (Greece)
Malvina Vamvakari, Dept. Computer Eng. and Informatics - University of Patras / Computer Technology Institute - Patras (Greece)
Michele Zito, Dept Computer Science - University of Liverpool (UK)
Main Fields 4. computational complexity
Other Main Fields Probabilistic methods in Computer Science
Applied Combinatorics
Abstract + Keywords The problem of determining the unsatisfiability threshold for random 3-SAT formulas consists
in determining the clauses to variables ratio that marks the (experimentally
observed) abrupt change from almost surely satisfiable formulas to almost surely unsatisfiable.
Up to now, there have been rigorously established increasingly better lower and upper bounds 
to the actual threshold value. The currently best upper bound is 4.506 and
has been recently announced by Dubois et al. (but to the best
of our knowledge, there is no complete proof available from the authors yet).
In this paper, we consider the problem of bounding the threshold value from above using 
methods that, we believe, are of interest on their own right.
More specifically, we explain how the method of {\em local maximum
satisfying truth assignments}
can be combined with results for the {\em occupancy problem} in random allocation
schemes of balls into bins in order to achieve an upper bound for
the unsatisfiability threshold less than 4.571.
Thus, we improve over the best, with an available complete proof, previous
upper bound, which was 4.596. In order to obtain this value,
we also establish an upper bound to the $q$-binomial coefficients
(a generalization of the binomial coefficients). Despite the extensive literature on
properties of these coefficients, no such bounds were previously known.

KEYWORDS: Satisfiability, threshold, random allocation.