Title On Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Paradigms
Authors Diletta Romana Cacciagrano, University of L'Aquila
Flavio Corradini, University of L'Aquila
Main Fields 12. parallel and distributed computation
16. theory of concurrency
22. semantics of programming
Other Main Fields
Abstract + Keywords The pi-calculus, its asynchronous version and Boudol's mapping from
the former language to the latter one are well-known mathematical
objects in theoretical computer science. It is also well-known that
the mapping is not fully-abstract w.r.t. most of the semantics
defined over these two languages.

In this paper we study and fix conditions on the existance of
fully-abstract results for Boudol's mapping (and its variants). The
testing theories a' la De Nicola-Hennessy turned out to be very useful
tools for such a purpose.

Keywords:pi-calculus, codings.