Title Exponentially Decreasing Number of Operations in Balanced Trees
Authors Lars Jacobsen, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
Kim S. Larsen, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
Main Fields 6. data types and structures
Other Main Fields
Abstract + Keywords While many tree-like structures have been proven
to support amortized constant number of operations after updates, considerably
fewer structures have been proven to support the more general exponentially
decreasing number of operations with respect to distance from the update. In
addition, all existing proofs of exponentially decreasing operations are
tailor-made for specific structures. We provide the first formalization of
conditions under which amortized constant number of operations imply
exponentially decreasing number of operations. Since our proof is
constructive, we obtain the constants involved immediately. Moreover, we
develop a number of techniques to improve these constants.

Keywords: Searchtrees, Exponentially Decreasing Rebalancing, 
Amortized Constant Rebalancing