ICTCS01: Scientific Programme

Thursday, October 4th

9 - 9.30              Welcome
9.30 - 10.30     Invited talk    (Chair S. Ronchi Della Rocca)
                            Modeling Interactive Mobile Systems with Graph Rewriting
                            Prof. Ugo Montanari
10.30 - 11        Coffee break
10.30 - 12        Session: Lambda Calculus and Types   (Chair  E. Moggi)
                            11 - 11.30     Filter Models and Easy Terms
                                                      Fabio Alessi, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Furio Honsell
                             11.30 - 12    Confluence of untyped lambda calculus via simple types
                                                     Silvia Ghilezan, Viktor Kuncak
                             12 - 12.30    Incremental Inference of Partial Types
                                                     Mario Coppo, Daniel Hirschkoff
                            12.30 - 13     Call-By-Value Separability and Computability
                                                    Luca Paolini
13 - 15            Lunch
15 - 16          Session: Algorithms and Data Structures I     (Chair G.  Ausiello)
                        15 - 15.30    Job shop scheduling with unit length tasks: Bounds and algorithms
                                               Juraj Hromkovic, Kathleen Steinhöfel, Peter Widmayer
                        15.30 - 16    Job Shop Scheduling Problems with Controllable Processing Times
                                               Klaus Jansen,  Monaldo Mastrolilli, Roberto Solis-Oba
16 - 16.30        Coffee break
16:30 - 17        Session: New Computing Paradigms   (Chair P. Degano)
                            16.30 - 16     Upper Bounds on the Size of One-way Quantum Finite Automata
                                                      Carlo Mereghetti, Beatrice Palano
                             16 - 16.30     P Systems with Gemmation of Mobile Membranes
                                                       Daniela Besozzi, Claudio Zandron, Giancarlo Mauri, Nicoletta Sabadini
                              16.30 - 17     Instantaneous Actions vs. Full Asynchronicity: Controlling and Coordinating
                                                       a Set of Autonomous Mobile Robots
                                                     Giuseppe Prencipe

Friday, October 5th

9.30 - 11         Session: Formal Languages   (Chair A. Restivo)
                           9.30 - 10     Some structural properties of Associative Language Descriptions
                                                 Alessandra Cherubini, Stefano Crespi Reghizzi, Pierluigi San Pietro
                          10 - 10.30   Block-Deterministic Regular Languages
                                                  Dora Giammarresi, Rosa Montalbano, Derick Wood
                          10.30 - 11    Constructing finite maximal codes from Schuetzenberger Conjecture
                                                 Marcella Anselmo
11 - 11.30       Coffee break
11.30 - 13       Session: Objects and Mobility   (Chair R. De Nicola )
                            11.30 - 12    An effective translation of Fickle into Java
                                                    Davide Ancona, Christopher Anderson, Ferruccio Damiani,
                                                   Sophia Drossopoulou, Paola Giannini, Elena Zucca
                           12 - 12.30   Subtyping and Matching for Mobile Objects
                                                    Michele Bugliesi, Giuseppe Castagna, Silvia Crafa
                            12.30 - 13   On Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication Paradigms
                                                     Diletta Romana Cacciagrano, Flavio Corradini
13 - 15             Lunch
15 - 16.30       Session: Algorithms and Data Structures II  (Chair G. F. Italiano)
                            15- 15.30    Complexity of Layered Binary Search Trees with Relaxed Balance
                                                    Lars Jacobsen, Kim S. Larsen
                             15.30-16    Distance constrained labeling of precolored trees
                                                     Jiri Fiala,  Jan Kratochvil,  Andrzej Proskurowski
                             16-16.30    Exponentially Decreasing Number of Operations in Balanced Trees
                                                    Lars Jacobsen, Kim S. Larsen
16.30 - 17        Coffee break
17                       EATCS Businness Meeting
20:30                Social event

Saturday, October 6th

9.30 - 10.30           Invited talk   (Chair A. Restivo)
                            Directed Hypergraphs: Problems, Algorithmic Results,  and a Novel Decremental Approach
                            Prof. Giorgio Ausiello
10.30 - 11        Coffee break
11 - 12        Session: Computational Complexity   (Chair B. Codenotti)
                             11 - 11.30   The unsatisfiability threshold revisited
                                                      Alexis Kaporis, Lefteris Kirousis, Yannis Stamatiou, Malvina Vamvakari, Michele Zito
                              11.30 - 12    Relating Partial and Complete Solutions and the Complexity of Computing Smallest Solutions
                                                     Andre Grosse, Joerg Rothe, Gerd Wechsung
12 - 13          Session: Security    (Chair B. Codenotti)
                        12 - 12.30   On the Distribution of a Key Distribution Center
                                                 Paolo D'Arco
                       12.30 - 13    Online Advertising: Secure E-coupons
                                               Stelvio Cimato, Annalisa De Bonis
13 - 15            Lunch
15 - 16.30      Session: Logics and Logic programming  (Chair U. Montanari)
                          15 - 15.30    A calculus and complexity bound for minimal conditional logic
                                                  Nicola Olivetti, Camilla Schwind
                          15.30 - 16    Reasoning about Complex Actions with Incomplete Knowledge: a Modal Approach
                                                  Matteo Baldoni, Laura Giordano, Alberto Martelli, Viviana Patti
                          16 - 16.30     E-unifiability via Narrowing ( cancelled)
                                                Emanuele Viola